Pálma Hotel 

Waltz from Vienna, slow-fox and tengo were the most fashionable dances of the era when the landowners decided to convert the former palm-house to kiosk and to lease it. They calculated well: the nearby main railway line offered a good opportunity for the capital's inhabitants to take a trip to Tata's famous and beautiful park, enjoy the cool water of baths "Kristály" and "Fényes", go for a romantic walk around the fortress and then turn into the kiosk's garden for a glass of newdrawn beer. Nobody expected then that the peaceful happy days would soon be over, that the century which had just begun would bring two devastating worls wars and that only a few hundered metres farther a big part of the park's area would be covered by German soldier-graves.
    The dance was in full fling.
The old kiosk is a café at present, where Dutch, German and French guests refresh themselves - and enjoy the paceful surroundings.