The Training Camp 

The first Olimpic Games after the Second World War were held in London, the capital of "foggy Albion". For the new regime, which was formed in hard political fights, the Hungarian sportsmen's results in a competition that got into the focus of the whole world's interest could not be indifferent. The competitors had to prepare in a training camp in order to achive the hoped succes. An excellent location was found for their  acclimatization: the town of lakes with its humid climate resembling that of London seemed to be the guarantee of the good results. Tata's inhabitants proudly state that the conditions of the sportsmen's preparation, provided by the town, contributed to the ten gold medals achieved in London. The camp, originally intended to be a temporary one, has constantly developed since then. Now, it has sports fields, halls and swimming pool to help the sportsmen's preparation. However, the camp is not only a source of proudness but of irritation as well for Tata, because the town is only the place and not the owner of this significant sports complex.