The Old Lake 

Today, the lake's attribute "old" means: ancient or antique. However, centuries ago this Hungarian word meant: large- and in this sense the attribute perfectly suits the 541 acre surface of water surrounded by forests.
Tata's lake is the largest sheet of water in the region and although its present extent is due to artifical damming up, this fact favourably affected the surroundings. The still existing wetlands at "the tail of the lake", the forests on the Tata lake shore, the promenades and villas on the Tóváros-side, the bastions of the fortress are still among the town's treasures.
Besides the aesthetic values the lake has two other functions. Its economic function has changed a lot during the past few centuries: for a long time the fishery would serve as a basis for the Esterházy domain. In our time, the lake is a tourist centre.
The most important function of the water is the biological one. There is no other lake with a town on its shore in our continent where tens of thousands of wild-geese and other migratory birds can find shelter, temporary home in autumn and winter.
In these seasons, the noisy flight of these geese makes the hazy dawns particularly appealing.